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Our last movie, the Ark and the Darkness, covered Biblical history from Creation to the Flood. Our next movie, “Out of Babel,” covers what happened after the Flood and carries the Biblical narrative all the way to 1620s when the Pilgrims came to America. This movie begins by revealing the truth about Neanderthals and turning the evolutionary narrative upside down, showing they were actually quite advanced and sophisticated. As we travel through time, the movie heads to the Pilgrims landing in America in 1620. While meeting with the Native American elders of the land, the Pilgrims are introduced to the Walam-Olum (or “Red Record”) which describes the Native American history of Creation, the Garden, the Fall, the Flood, the Tower of Babel, and even the Ice Age. This Native American history that’s been passed down for over 3,000 years aligns with the Genesis narrative. They then explore similar legends about fighting dragons and ice age creatures into extinction as well as the mysterious giants that lived during Biblical times in Israel, and even in North America according to the Natives! We bring voices from the past alive in this movie, bringing to life what many Native American cultures believed about giants, creation, and the Flood.
Frequently Asked Questions
What timeline does your movie use for Biblical history, such as the Creation, the Flood, and the Tower of Babel?
Our ministry holds to the “young earth” position on Genesis. Biblical timelines that rely on the 17th-century chronology formulated by Bishop James Ussher place Creation at 4,004 BC and the Flood at 2,348 BC. Some recent research into the copyist differences in the early Masoretic and early Septuagint texts place the Flood around 2,518 BC based on the Masoretic text and between 3,168 BC and 3,298 BC based on the Septuagint (and other early texts), with Creation as early as 5,554 BC. The Tower of Babel event lands approximately 2,850 BC under the traditional Septuagint timeline and around 2200 BC under the Masoretic. These differences, however, can be settled by comparing multiple texts to reveal the perfect nature of the original writings which were “written through man by God” without error. These issues have been discussed in papers from leading creation ministries.
Is your Ministry Associated with Answers in Genesis or the Institute for Creation Research (ICR)?
We love these ministries! In fact, we filmed our last movie, The Ark and the Darkness, on location at Answers in Genesis. Our movie and post-show interview features experts from Answers in Genesis and other grounded ministries. We hold our annual Genesis Conference in California with the Institute for Creation Research (ICR). We strongly support both these ministries and are in alignment with them doctrinally. Our ministry engages with conservative Christians who are in alignment with the Statement of Faith provided by Answers in Genesis.
Why Neanderthals?
Until about 20 years ago, Neandertals were portrayed in school textbooks and museums as primitive brutes, filling the slot right before modern humans in the evolutionary journey that supposedly spanned millions of years. Now that’s all changed. Thanks to new discoveries and advancements in genetic research, we know they were just humans. But we also know they were unique—they had stocky builds, and some of them had slightly larger skulls than humans today. But their body sizes and types were no more different than how people groups vary today around the world. After the Babel dispersion, people with Neandertal characteristics spread across northern Europe, many of them living in caves to deal with the onset of the Ice Age that developed as a result of the Flood. Neandertals ceremonially buried their dead, created artwork and musical instruments, and were advanced hunters, even attaching their spear points using a type of glue that puzzles scientists today. By showing Neanderthals teaching Germanic tribes weapons technology, we flip the evolution story on its head.
Why does your movie regard the “Walam Olum” or “Red Record” as a valid, historical document? Hasn’t the credibility of the Walam Olum been challenged?
Our movie treats the “Walam Olum” or “Red Record” as a valid, historical document. Research conducted by Answers in Genesis’ Harvard-trained geneticist, Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson has also revealed genetic markers that confirm the migratory routes taken by Native American tribes described in the Walam Olum. Our interpretive work of the Walam Olum was drawn from Rafinesque’s original work, and corrections, updates, and insights offered by period scholars Brinton (1885) and Squier (1845). We believe that drawing from scholarly work close to the time period in which the Walam Olum was discovered helped our review of the Walam Olum stay close to the scholarship tied to the era in which it was popularized. Despite more recent attempts to discredit the Walam Olum, critical reviews in the late 19th century continually support its veracity, drawing from the internal credibility of the work itself, including certain aspects of the work which simply could not be faked or forged.
Why does your movie depict the Native American legends of “Thunderbirds” as pterosaurs and the “Naked Bear” as Daeodon shohonensis? Didn’t both pterosaurs and Daeodons go extinct millions of years ago?
The Bible is clear that the Flood-era versions of pterosaurs and large mammals like the Daeodon were aboard the Ark. After the Flood, they diversified and adapted based on the areas they inhabited and competed against other animals and humans to survive. Many of these creatures and their variants lived until hundreds of years ago, with many making up the dragon legends held by so many cultures day. While the secular Daedon timeline has them going extinct millions of years ago during the ice age, multiple Native American histories showed the likely lived until just hundreds of years ago, with the last reported one being killed about 1790 near the Hudson river in present day New York.
Why does our movie cover the controversial “giants” or “Nephilim” topic?
Many will ask: Why include the “giants” or “Nephilim” topic in the movie? Aren’t giants based on conspiracy stories? Doesn’t the inclusion of giants distract from a movie that’s just supposed to review the Biblical history from Babel leading up to the Pilgrims and the Native Americans? These are good questions that should be asked by our team, ministry partners, and by those who watch our movie. Our reasons for including a brief, well-grounded section about the Nephilim in the movie are below.
The truth is that giants existed—and it wasn’t just Goliath. Developing a well-rounded Biblical view about giants requires studying the entire set (and not just a few) of the following Biblical passages: Genesis 6:4, 14:5; Numbers 13:28–33; Deuteronomy 1:28–3:11, 9:2; Joshua 11:21, 13:12, 14:12–15, 15:8–14, 17:15, 18:16; 1 Samuel 17:4, 49–50; 2 Samuel 5:18–25, 21:15–22; Amos 2:9; 1 Chronicles 11:23, 20:4–8; Numbers 13:22; Judges 1:20; Isaiah 17:5; Psalm 82, and Job 4:13–18.
We recommend a single definitive resource on this topic: “Fallen: The Sons of God and the Nephilim” by Answers in Genesis’ Tim Chaffey. Another well-grounded overview of this topic can be viewed here. Our ministry holds to the angel-human hybrid position about the Nephilim because the angels that “did not keep their own domain” (Jude 6) were punished and judged (see also 2 Peter 2:4–11). The giants/Nephilim and their descendants were killed by the flood. But rebellious angels committed this activity again (Genesis 6:4), and the giants that arose after the flood were pursued and annihilated by men like Moses, Joshua, and David). They were likely eliminated from Israel and its surrounding lands at about the time of David, approximately 1,000 BC.
With this background, our movie includes this topic (giants/Nephilim and Genesis) because people will seek answers from whatever sources they can—some of which will be misleading, and some of which is true. YouTube videos dealing with this topic have been viewed millions and millions of times. We have the opportunity to set the record straight using the Bible. Specifically, our movie takes position that Nephilim existed in Israel until the century or so after the time of David, and up until a few centuries after this in North America, based on both the Bible (with the passages indicating David was ordered by God to drive them into extinction) and credible historian Josephus, who stated, “For which reason they removed their camp to Hebron; and when they had taken it, they slew all the inhabitants. There were till then left the race of giants, who had bodies so large, and countenances so entirely different from other men, that they were surprising to the sight, and terrible to the hearing. The bones of these men are still shown to this very day, unlike to any credible relations of other men.”
The Walam Olum or “Red Record,” which is central to our movie, is very much not alone from multiple Native American historical narratives that provide a clear and consistent telling of giants—especially giants associated with the mound builders and earth works, of which there are tens of thousands in America. The Lenni Lenape’s account of the Nephilim is central to their history (see the “snake people” and the makowini, translated “big men” that existed before and after their Flood account, were part of the reason for the Flood, matching our Bible history). See the Glyphs in Book 2 and Glyphs 1-2 in Book 3. Several other historical documents also mention giants affiliated with tribes around the Lenni-Lenape people.